A 16-inch female horn shark named “Miss Helen” was taken during a heist that aquarium officials said. “The suspects staked out the pool for more than an hour to wait for the right moment,” the aquarium said in a statement. The men used a net to scoop the shark form the large tank and put it into a baby stroller to carry it out of the facility. Video evidence took police to the home of a man who maintains wall to wall aquariums at his house according to the police chief of the San Antonio suburb where the aquarium is located.
A lady was visiting the aquarium. “Can you tell me whether I can get a live shark here?” The attendant asked. “Why a live shark? What would you do with a shark?” “My neighbor’s cat has been eating the goldfish out of my pond and I want to teach him a lesson.”
The star attraction at my local aquarium has been repossessed. Turns out it was a loan shark.
It’s my ambition to see a great white shark before I die. Just not RIGHT before I die.
Calling my new dog “Shark” was a mistake. I’ve been banned from all my local beaches.
I told my friend I was attacked by a shark. He said, “Did you punch it on the nose?” I said, “No, it just attacked me for no reason.”