PETA saves the Animal Crackers
PETA saves the Cracker Animals

After 116 years, the beasts on the little red boxes of animal crackers have been liberated. PETA has shamed Nabisco into redesigning the package of animals crackers. PETA said showing children these animals behind cage bars created the image that they were inhuman and not fair to the wild animals. Now they are free to wander all over the box and eat each other.
A lady was willed an expensive genuine mink coat by a relative and she proudly wore it to church. Going out of church a man asked what unfortunate creature had to die in order for you to wear that coat. The lady looked crossly at him and replied, “My Aunt.”
I am totally against scientists doing testing on poor, innocent animals: Let them practice on journalists and politicians.
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Salad isn’t food, it is what food eats.