The Fall of Dominoes
The Fall of Dominoes
22 people worked over two weeks to set up 596,229 mini dominoes as a German domino group attempted to break its own 2013 Guinness Domino toppling World Record, but one tiny fly landed on a tile and sent them all toppling over. The mini tiles had to be set up with tweezers by the volunteers, who worked for 14 days to get everything ready for the attempt. The attempt took A slace on the tenth Domino Day near Frankfurt Germany. Better order Domino’s pizza.
Domino’s Pizza, in a new promotion, is offering one free large pizza a week for life. To qualify for this offer, you must be at least 85 years of age and accompanied by your parents.
Suspect in a DC murder was identified because he left his DNA on a discarded pizza crust. Domino’s really does deliver (justice).
“You have a very rare and extremely contagious condition,” the doctor told his patient. “We’re going to put you in an isolation unit, where you’ll be on a diet of pancakes and pizza.” “Will pancakes and pizza cure my condition?” “No,” replied the doctor. “They’re the only things we can slip under the door.”
Is it illegal to order a pizza from Domino’s and have it sent to the nearest Papa John’s location?