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Who Me?
Michael Avenatti, political gadfly and celebrity wannabe, maybe wants to be somebody else as his background catches up with him. Porn star Stormy Daniels attorney has been ordered to pay $4.85 million in California. Another financial blow for the prospective presidential candidate. In May, a bankruptcy court had ordered the law firm to pay a separate $10 million. Avenatti has personally owed at least $1.2 million in federal taxes and corporate debts while enjoying an extravagant lifestyle in recent years. Is this a great country or what?
What’s the difference between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer? A bad lawyer can let a case drag out for several years. A good lawyer can make it last even longer.
How many lawyer jokes are in existence? Only three. All the rest are true stories.
Why does the bar association code of ethics prevent sex between lawyers and their clients? To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service.
What’s black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A doberman pinscher.