Hey waiter, there’s a wing nut in my soup
Hey waiter, there’s a wing nut in my soup
We had a fun supper with the robots at the Enjoy Budapest Café they can serve up food and drink, tell jokes, dance with the kids or just hang out for a chat with customers. The cafe, opened by IT company E-Szoftverfejlesztő in the Hungarian capital, is staffed by a whole team of robots. Robots serve up entertainment, such as Pepper, a “receptionist” robot that can hold a conversation and also dance with customers. The cafe employs more people than before, because to operate 16 to 20 robots from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. they need to have IT specialists in the background.
A ventriloquist doing a nightclub gig with his dummy on his knee tells a dumb robot joke; a beverage service robot stops and shouts at the ventriloquist. “What gives you the right to stereotype artificial intelligence that way? You should be ashamed of yourself.”
A robot walks into a bar. “What can I get you?” the bartender asks. “I need something to loosen up,” the robot replies. So the bartender serves him a screwdriver.
Does R2D2 have any brothers? No. Only transisters.
Why was the robot mad? People kept pushing its buttons.