Turkish Marty Poppins

Turkish Marty Poppins

A security camera on a Turkish street captured the moment a man trying to keep an umbrella from blowing away in high winds was carried 10 feet up into the air. The video, recorded on a street in Osmaniye, shows multiple men attempting to use their bodies to weigh down the large umbrella as the wind attempted to carry it away. One of the men remains on the parasol’s platform as the wind carries it up into the air and out of the camera’s frame. He was not injured.


The boys went to camp and during inspection the director found an umbrella wrapped inside a sleeping bag. He confronted the juvenile camper and asked why he brought the umbrella when it was not on his list of supplies. The boy hung his head and asked, “Sir, did you ever have a mother.”

‘I have an obsession with wind farms.’
‘Yes. I’m a huge fan.’

I asked my iPhone: “Surely I don’t need an umbrella today do I?” Siri replied yes you do and don’t call me Shirley. I had left the phone in “Airport” mode.

Bought a wind proof umbrella. It blew me away.