It’s all yours!

It’s all yours!

Skirmantas Strimaitis got a pleasant surprise when he boarded the plane flying from the Lithuanian capital Vilnius to the northern Italian city of Bergamo for a skiing holiday. He had the whole plane — which can usually sit up to 188 people — to himself. The only others onboard were two pilots and five crew members. The Novaturas travel agency had chartered the plane to fly a group home from Italy, and to avoid flying empty, one-way tickets were sold. Only one person bought one. Strimaitis said the flight, which lasted more than two hours, was “a once in the lifetime experience.”


An American, a Brit, a Canadian, a Dane, an Ethiopian, a Frenchman, a Greek, a Haitian, an Irishman, a Jew, a Kiwi, a Lithuanian, a Mongolian, a Nigerian, an Omani, a Peruvian, a Qatari, a Roman, a Scotsman, a Uruguayan, a Venezuelan, a Western Saharan, a xenophobe and a Zimbabwean walk into a bar

The bartender says
“I’m sorry, but you can’t come in here without a Thai”


Few years after occupation the Russian premier minister went to Lithuania and tested their Sausages. It tasted way better then his standard Moscow sausages, so he called Moscow sausage factory director to immediately learn the recipe. The Director went to Lithuania and got the technology presented. Excited he called the prime minister !
“Mr. Prime Minister … you wont believe it … they …they put MEAT into sausages !”


German, French and Russian lady are meeting and talking about differences in cultures. “Well, i have 3 pair of underwear”, says the French Lady ” for morning, evening and night.” “Well, i have 7” says the German Lady: “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday …….”  “Well” says the Russian woman , “I have twelve:”   “January, February, March…”