Eat your cake and have it too

Eat your cake and have it too

Wichita Falls Police got a call just after 8 p.m. about a disorderly woman in the Walmart. She was arguing with the clerk to get half off the price of a cake she had eaten half of while walking around the store. When officers arrived on the scene, they of course forced her to pay for the whole cake. She continued to argue for the discount and was banned from the store.


A woman, who devoured half-a-chocolate cake and then demanded half-off for the other half, has been banned from Walmart. Apparently turning 35 has not been easy for Khloe Kardashian.

Wal-Mart announced plans to open its first retail stores in India and China. Tags on clothes and stickers on items will read, “Made Here.”

What is the difference between Walmart and Target customers?
About 100 pounds.

How do children in China all afford iPhones and wear Nike?
Employee discounts