Watch out for the Vikings

Watch out for the Vikings

Danish Pedestrians: it is safe to cross when the green Viking is walking, but stop when the red Viking holds up his battle ax. That’s the message in Aarhus  unveiling new crossing signals to celebrate its Viking heritage by replacing  signal lights with the images of the Scandinavian warriors. Denmark’s second largest city unveiled new traffic signals featuring Vikings holding axes and shields. The lights form a circle around downtown Aarhus, which was founded by the Vikings and became a bustling harbor city. Some of the original streets are still in use there.


Do you know what the signs at an Åarhaus roundabout say?
(Max tre omgange!) No more than three trips around!

Nothing beats the Danish summer…
it’s simply the best day of the year.

What do Vikings call the people that cut their hair?

Some Minnesota Vikings fans went to hell. They were so happy that it was nice and warm there. So, Satan turned the heat down, The Minnesotans then were happy because when hell freezes over, the Minnesota Vikings will win the Super Bowl.