A little bump in the road

A little bump in the road

While out for a motorcycle ride near his home in Belgium late last month, Leroy spotted a little life huddled in the middle of the road, moments away from disaster. Without hesitating, he pulled over. He, along with another driver who stopped, then halted traffic to capture the kitten and save her life. “The cat was terrified,” Leroy said. Leroy was unable to carry the kitten himself, but fortunately the driver who stopped agreed to take her to safety. Afterward, the kitten was placed with a local rescue group.


We had an old cat named Tiger that needed medication everyday. Needless to say the cat did not consider this a good time. So every night the husband would get a big towel wrap it around the cat. He wrestled the toweled cat between his knees and forced its mouth open and put the pill down its throat. This worked pretty well, until one night the squirming cat wiggled away and my husband dropped the pill which rolled across the floor. Tiger bounded after the pill and promptly ate it right up.

Only about 50,000 people can use Obamacare.gov site without crashing it, but 4 million people can watch a kitten try to get its head out of a bag, no problem?

Me: (Sobbing) “One minute he loves me and the next he wants nothing to do me!”
Therapist: “That’s pretty typical cat behavior….”

I gave my cat a bath today. He seemed to like it, but I wasn’t too crazy about it. His fur sticks to my tongue.