Bang! your captured
Bang! your captured
Joshua Garnes was tired of having packages stolen from the porch of a home he is renovating, so he rigged up a decoy package with a loud noise to scare away the so-called “porch pirates”. He has captured more than 20 incidents during the past two months of people stealing packages and other items from the porch of a home in Huntington, West Virginia. “They’ve even stolen my ‘No Trespassing’ signs.” “So, I had to put metal ones up and screw them down because they would rip them off.” Garnes said he has started leaving a decoy box on the porch that contains a trip wire that sets off a loud bang, similar to a gunshot, when the package is moved. “There’s only so much you can do so, why not have a little bit of fun with it,” Garnes said.
My local movie theater was robbed of almost $10,000.
The thieves got away with three boxes of popcorn, two large sodas, three boxes of candy and a hotdog.
Be yourself, because no one else can!
Except identity thieves. They can be you too.
Before a burglary trial the judge explained to the defendant, “You can let me try your case, or you can choose to have a jury of your peers.” The man thought for a moment, “What are peers?” he asked. “They are people just like you, your equals.” “Forget it,” retorted the defendant. “I don’t want to be tried by a bunch of thieves.”
Thieves stole 30 crates of red bull from our local supermarket.
I don’t know how they sleep at night.