Twin Twins
Twin Twins
Brannan and Rebecca Williams said they were excited to be having twins (she more than he). When they got to the delivery room they got another surprise. Rebecca was attended by identical twin nurses. Tori Howard, 26, an NICU nurse, and twin sister Tara Drinkard were both on the delivery team at the Athens Georgia Medical center. The hospital said the delivery marked the first time the twin nurses had worked in the delivery room together, although they have both assisted in multiple births. “I was excited to go to a delivery with my sister, but it didn’t really cross my mind — we are twins and they’re twins.”The parents were excited their twin girls were ushered into the world by twin female nurses. The twins were born early, but they are scheduled to go home Thursday.
When I was ten my Mom told me to take my brother to a movie so she could set up for his surprise birthday party. That’s when I realized that he was her favorite twin, not me.
Got a phone call today from my twin brother who is in jail
He said, “Hey, do you remember how we always used to finish each others’ sentences?”
I surprised my twin today.
You should have seen my face.
A guy I work with says he’s dating twins…
I asked him “How do you tell them apart?”
“That’s easy…” he says “…Marie’s got blonde hair and Brian’s got a beard.”