Sorry Dude, Wrong house
Sorry Dude, Wrong house
It was 11 pm in Rochester, New York when a man came to the front door of an 82 year old woman’s house. He screamed he was sick and needed help. The woman walked through the dark house answered the door and said she would call 911, but did not unlock the door. As she went to the phone to call, the man broke through the door and came into the house. Willie Murphy is 82, but a competitive weightlifter with numerous trophies and some smarts. She turned off the lights and as the intruder felt his way around the dark house Willie picked up a table and hit him over the head. Once he was down, she sprayed shampoo all over his head and face. Then she started beating him with a broom. Before she could do any permanent damage, the police arrived from the 911 call and arrested the perp. They got their picture taken with the victor of that fight.
My sister took up bodybuilding. She’s so good at it now she’s now my brother.
What does a bodybuilder think before he squats to deadlift? Don’t Fart….Don’t Fart…..
What does a bodybuilder do for cardio? He lifts weights faster.
How do you congratulate a Jewish bodybuilder?
Muscle Tov!