Stop Monkeying around
Stop Monkeying around
Srikanth Gowda is an Indian farmer with a problem and no money. So he substituted creativity. Monkeys were roam in groups into his coffee orchards and eat his crop killing his profit. He could not be all over all the tress all the time. So, he figured out that monkeys were only afraid of Tigers that would grab and eat them. Srikanth’s solution was to paint stripes on his dog to look like a Tiger and it worked. The stripes made by hair dye are enough to confuse the monkeys and they stay out of Srikanth’s trees. Now everyone in the area is doing it. How long before some clever geneticist breeds tiger dogs? Indians, it not just computers anymore.
A politician visited an Indian village and asked what their needs were.
”We have 2 basic needs sir,” replied the villager.
“Firstly, we have a hospital, but there’s no doctor.”
On hearing this, the politician whipped out his cellphone, and after speaking for a while he reassured the village leader that the doctor would be there the next day. He then asked about the second problem. “Secondly sir, there is no cellphone coverage anywhere in the village.”
Q: What do you call a Hindu man that has done everything?
A: Bindair Dundat.
Q: What do you call an Indian dating site?
A: Connect the dots.
I didn’t believe in reincarnation the last time, either.