No Stinky cheese for me

No Stinky cheese for me

A Munich court ruled that Manuela Kragler, who lives in an apartment above the Toelzer Kasladen cheese shop in Germany can no longer hang out posters depicting a pinched nose and a warning sign. Neighbors have said the shop, which stocks around 200 types of cheese and supplies high-end restaurants, is maturing up to three tons of cheese on the premises. The feud has been going on ever since the shop moved into the premises in 2016 and, in a separate legal case, shop owner Wolfgang Hofmann is trying to argue that he should be allowed to mature cheese there. Since the shop’s arrival Kragler complains that the smells drift up through open windows, staircases and even electric sockets. Hofmann stated he was seeking new premises.


A young girl’s class was having a fund-raising crafts fair. The teacher sent a note home with all the children to the parents asking each family to contribute two craft items. The next day she found on her desk two boxes of macaroni and cheese.

I taught my brother how to make his own cheese and now he can’t stop!
I created a muenster.

What do you call an empty jar of Cheese Whiz?
Cheese Wuz

Washington, DC, is to lying, what Wisconsin is to cheese.