Australia is So Hot…

Australia is So Hot…

Michael Philippou posted a YouTube which shows him driving while submerged in a car full of water during the Australian heatwave. In the video, the two brothers claimed the stunt involved the “world’s first underwater car.” They can be seen driving the car to a drive-through beverage store and ordering two beers and drinking them underwater. It was viewed more than a million times and prompted police to later arrest Philippou, who runs the popular RackaRacka YouTube channel with his twin brother, Danny. He faced Beach Magistrates Court charged with offences including  reckless driving and failing to wear a seatbelt.


An uncle of mine used to throw a space heater into the pool to heat it up before he would go swimming during the colder months.
Come to think of it, he only did it once

I keep hearing people say these California earthquakes are being caused by the heat or as punishment for how we have been acting. I think they are wrong.
It is actually San Andreas’s fault.

When people ask me if my beard makes me hot in the summer, I tell them it makes me hot all year long.

Q: What do you call the Robin Williams movie about a hot Australian summer?
A: Mrs. Droughtfire.