Picture your stolen purse

Picture your stolen purse

James Elmes was walking to his car parked just outside the French Quarter in New Orleans when he saw an abandoned purse just thrown on the curb. He picked it up and found it was not empty. Though it had no ID and no wallet it did have a nice small GoPro camera inside. James tweeted a picture from the camera and a message: “I found a stolen purse in the French quarter, New Orleans. This girl has traveled all over the world with the GoPro I found. Looking for her to return her lost memories.” The picture got to Saarah Yob, in Florida who connected with James and reclaimed her purse that had been stolen from a rental car when she was in the Big Easy.


Ex-New Orleans mayor gets prison in corruption case. Bail set at 10,000 bead necklaces.

Happy Fat Tuesday! And hang in there, thin people – when there are more of you, you’ll get a day too.

What do you call a New Orleans fat guy that never tells the truth?
A jumbo-laya.

I used to live in New Orleans till Katrina took everything I had.
Sometimes I wish she’d stayed in Latvia.