She did “Her Way”

She did “Her Way”

Margaret Mackie is the latest Scottish singing sensation. Margaret is 83 years old, but with her coach 30 year old Jamie Lee Morley she has made a recording in studio and released the single and a music video. The music video has had nearly 200,000 views since its release. Her recording of “My Way” is No. 6 on the United Kingdom’s Amazon download chart and at one point reached No. 27 on iTunes’ Top 40 in the U.K. Morley is an aspiring a musician who works as a food server heard the 83-year-old dementia patient sing and had to help her get recorded. “It has brought her back to life. The dementia was taking a hold of her and she was getting sad with it, but this has given her a new lease of life,” said Mackie’s daughter.


A woman goes to the doctor due to some distressing symptoms.
She tells him she can’t stop dancing and crooning ballads.
“Ma’am, you have Tom Jones syndrome” he says.
“Oh no! Is it rare?” She asks.
“Well, it’s not unusual….”

A talented, unemployed singer is like socialism
Sounds good, doesn’t work.

I find it hard to believe that a guy with as many mob connections as Frank Sinatra volunteered to be in something called the “Rat Pack.”

Q: What has broken legs & floats down the river?
A: People who tell Sinatra jokes.