Subway Surfing
Subway Surfing
Up until a week ago NY city was a madhouse. The primary method to move all those concentrated people around has been the subway. The trains are packed and sweaty, and the particularly unlucky commuter might get stuck in a car standing next to the door. One Brooklyn man has allegedly made a gutsy, incredibly dangerous habit to avoid all that, opting to ride on the outside of the train. Friday this daring soul missed the northbound C train at the Clinton-Washington Avenues stop in Brooklyn. After the doors closed, the man, identified by Police as 22-year-old Isaiah Thompson, grabbed onto the train from the outside. Isaiah rode along as people in the car watched in horror. Thompson survived his voyage, jumping off at the Lafayette Avenue stop, according to Matthew Beary who shot the video below. “Classic NYC craziness.”
Isolation in the city: “You sit on the train, and the conductor comes over the loudspeaker and says, ‘This train is being held at the station.’ And you just sit there, and you’re like, ‘God, I wonder what it’s like to be held?’ Because you’re so lonely.
“The trouble with New York is that it’s so convenient to everything I can’t afford.”
“In New York, everyone is an exile, none more so than the Americans.”
“In other parts of the country, couples try to stay together for the sake of the children. In New York, they try to work things out for the sake of the apartment.”