Weed be getting together

Weed be getting together

Dick Wilde, 73, lives in a special spot. He is at the end of the prairie wheat fields and backed up by the Rocky mountain foothills. This makes it a great place for tumbleweeds to pile up, blown off the flat land and stuck between his and the neighbor’s house. His home in Washington state has been buried under a 15-foot mountain of tumbleweed and he is worried that the bone-dry stacks can catch fire and torch his home. Wilde added the town’s tumbleweed troubles this year are the worst in more than 20 years. The picture shows the weeds stacked up to the gutters of his house and him shoulder deep trying to push them away.

President Trump and Pope Francis happen to run into each other while on an international cruise. It was quite a windy day out of the sea when the Pope’s hat flew off the ship and into the sea. President Trump immediately climbs overboard to fetch the Pope’s hat. In astonishment, the Pope looks overboard to see what just happened. He cannot believe what he sees. President Trump is not swimming, but walking on the water over to his hat. President Trump comes back to the Pope with the hat, all the while he remained dry. The next day the media came out with the following headline…

What is California’s favorite band?
Earth Wind and Fire.

It’s an ill wind that blows when you leave the hairdresser.

A crow got cut in half by a wind turbine.