Police dog dropout
Police dog dropout
Gavel lives in Queensland, Australia. He comes from a family of police dogs, so it seemed like a sure thing for a job on the police force. Training to be a police dog involves learning how to sniff out scents, following a trainer’s orders, and being alert and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Gavel would rather get belly rubs than go on patrol, and he was way better at looking for new friends than looking for criminals. After 10 months of training, Gavel just wasn’t going to make it as a police dog. Gavel didn’t have “the right aptitude” for police work and made him the ceremonial greeter for the governor of Queensland. Now he can lick everyone.
Doggone Funny Stuff:
After a week of agonizing physical training, police academy cadets still hadn’t been admitted to the firing range. “I don’t get it,” huffed one trainee to another as they pounded out yet another five-mile jog. “What do you mean?” “I joined the force to capture bad guys and shoot my gun, but all we practice is running away.”

A police officer noticed a car driving way too cautiously and pulls it over. His canine comes to the curb side of the car, sniffs and alerts. “Congratulations,” says the police man. “You’ve won $500 in a safety contest for wearing your seat belt. What are you going to do with the money?” The driver says, “Oh, I’m probably going to go to the driver’s academy and get my license.” The woman in the passenger seat says, “Oh, don’t mind him. He’s talks stupid when he’s high.” This wakes up the person sitting in the backseat, who says “Oh darn, I knew we wouldn’t get to the border in a stolen car.” Then a voice from the trunk says in Spanish, “Are we over the border yet?”
My school was named a Swedish academy; it’s sponsored by IKEA.
The lessons are ok, but assembly every morning takes forever.
Police dogs will be made to have another police dog as a partner starting from next month
The academy is already teaching them how to do a “Good boy”/“Bad boy” routine.