Tac o the country

Dozens of businesses across the county have signs big and small showing off tongue-in-cheek messages in response to a “sign war” that broke out between Dank Burrito and Ioanni’s in Morehead City, NC. The back-and-forth started when Dank Burrito owner Clarke Merrell noticed the “Happy Birthday Jeff” message on Ioanni’s sign across the street from his business hadn’t changed in nearly a month. He put up a message on his sign that read “Ioanni’s quit being lazy change your sign.” After Ioanni’s responded with a message that read, “Dank we are not lazy, just busier than you,” Dank Burrito shot back with a “Y’all just look busy cuz it takes 2 hours for a dollar taco.” “I just enjoy talking smack,” Merrell said. “Giving me a microphone and a billboard is a bad idea. (Ioanni’s owner) Jeff (Turnage’s) birthday was July 18, and I noticed the sign was still the same. It was just something fun, and then it kind of took off from there.”

Ioanni’s Sam noted that the two businesses have used their signs to quibble over sports for years, but never to this extent. “It’s been awesome watching everyone come together over it,” Turnage said. “At the beginning, I had people calling me asking if we had a vendetta against each other, but that’s not it at all. I’m good friends with Clarke. It’s just good old-fashioned fun. I’m going to keep it going as long as we can. I’m going to change it again tonight when it slows down.” Dank Burrito echoed that the back-and-forth messages are all in good fun, just a reflection of the camaraderie the businesses have with each other. “It’s just talking smack,” he said. “I mean, I eat there. I have lunch with those guys. It’s funny to see everyone’s reaction or perception of the sign. We’re just being silly, but I think people are having fun with the back-and-forth. As long as it all stays above the belt like it has, we’ll keep it going.”

Merrell said he was surprised the way the trend has taken off, with social media using “#signwars2024” to post photos online of each new business that adds to the mix. “I think there’s over 70 businesses that have chimed in since,” Merrell said. Shortly after their back-and-forth broke out, neighboring Captain’s Table and EJW Outdoors joined in with signs of their own. “I was happy to celebrate Jeff’s birthday for a month,” joked Captain’s Table. From Prime Bistro: “Boys, do we need to have a meat-ing?”  Dank replied: “Guac off, EJW. This is nacho beef.” There’s a brotherhood between the three restaurants, too, where if they’re missing something and I have it, I’m happy to send it over and vice versa.” Cooper added, “It’s just great to see everyone joining in and having fun together. I would just encourage everyone to go support all of these businesses when they can because that’s what it takes to keep local businesses around.”  “I thought, well we have this huge sign out front, ‘Why not get involved?” I know we’re not nearby, but we thought we’d join in.” CEEC Electric, “We’ll keep it going, and if someone fires it up, you never know what we might say. We have to keep it pretty G-rated, but we’ll play along for as long as everyone keeps it going.”

Advertising fun

Driving down the busy highway that goes to the resort town of Myrtle Beach South Carolina my wife and I were stunned by the number of restaurants one of the restaurants got our attention with a sign that alerted tourists: “Last Italian restaurant for 100 yards.” 

A billboard advertising a pie shop read…
“Just 3.14 miles away.”

My wife said to me looking over the melting snow in the yard. “Look the first signs of Spring. The garden tools are just starting to pop out of the snow.” 

“Doctors at a hospital in Brooklyn, New York have gone on strike. Hospital officials say they will find out what the Doctors’ demands are as soon as they can get a pharmacist over there to read the picket signs!” 

August 23rd Birthdays

1960 – Helen Rees, 1982 – Natalie Coughlin, 1977 – Nicole Bobeck, 1949 – Shelly Long

1977 – Scott Dann, 1988 – Chris Galya, 1979 – Kobe Bryant, 1990 – Seth Curry

Morning Motivator: