Elephants are like people

What is big and gray and itches? Here are a couple of stories of elephants that had very human characteristics. Our first pachyderm friend had an itch. He was walking across the road and thought that little gray car looked like an interesting way to scratch his itches. In the clip below, the wild elephant is seen coming out on the road passing through a forest. Seconds later, the giant tusker is then seen rubbing itself against the vehicle. The destruction caused to the car by the giant elephant is shown at the end of the video. One commenter jokingly wrote, “I’m imagining explaining this to the insurance company.” Another offered, “The elephant is using the car as a toilet paper.” 

In this picture an adult African elephant communicates with two calves in Kenya. African elephants use “names” to communicate with each other in the same way that humans do, researchers have discovered. A new study, carried out by Colorado State University scientists who analyzed hundreds of elephant calls, found that wild African Savannah elephants address each other using personalized sounds, instead of relying on the imitation of noises made by others. This suggests that they recognize individual calls addressed to them, which is rare among animals. Study data suggests that elephants do not rely on imitation of the receiver’s calls to address one another, which is more similar to the way in which human names work.” The scientists then used artificial intelligence technology to analyze these recordings and identify unique “names” within the calls. To test their theory that the animals use these name-like sounds to address each other, the scientists played the elephants recordings that included these names. Elephants were seen to respond positively to calls that were addressed to them by calling back or approaching the speaker more quickly. In contrast, elephants who were not being called by their name did not react as enthusiastically.

Our third giant sized hero very humanly wanted to visit the folks in the hospital. The elephant is seen standing in the corridor for a little while without moving, trying to find the room to visit, while the amazed staff members take pictures. “Did anyone address the elephants in the room. Given it was a military base hospital a fourth user commented, “It was a surprise inspection to make sure everything is ready for big visitors.” 

Are you itching buddy?

Why do you keep scratching yourself?
Because I’m the only one who knows where it itches.

What’s the difference between an Indian and an African elephant?
One’s an elephant.

“Doc, I’ve got a sinus headache, an abscessed tooth, itchy eyes, and a canker sore.
What is wrong with me?”
Doc: “Well, I’ll be honest. I think it’s all in your head.”

What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?
Steve. Just because he’s irrelephant doesn’t mean we don’t use his name.

September 9th Birthdays

1992 – Kelsey Chow, 1969 – Rachel Hunter, 1980 – Michelle Williams, 1966 – Constance Marie

1975 – Michael Buble,  1966 – Adam Sandler,  1949 – Joe Theisman, 1960 – Hugh Grant

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