The Jetson’s Motorcycle is here

The Jetson’s Motorcycle is here

The world’s first flying motorcycle is now available for pre-orders from California startup Jetpack Aviation. Dubbed the “Speeder,” the flying motorcycle is self-stabilizing, jet turbine-powered, and capable of over 150 mph speeds, 20-minute endurance, and 15,000-feet altitudes. It features four turbojet engines putting out a combined maximum thrust of 705 lbf – enough to lift up the 231-pound airframe and a pilot up to 250 pounds (the current design does not allow for a passenger). The Speeder can be operated from any surface that is solid and large enough for take-off, like a ship or large yacht.

A Motorcycle will last you a lifetime
if you ride it fast enough.

Friends are like motorcycles…
‘Cause I wish I had a motorcycle

A friend tried to get me to wear jeans, a white t shirt, and a motorcycle jacket – but I said no. It sounded like a Fonzie scheme.

I would love to buy a Harley motorcycle…
But I can’t afford all the outfits.