Truck Stuck on me

Truck Stuck on me

DELO adhesives recently broke the world record for achieving the heaviest lift using adhesive. The company reportedly lifted an 18-ton truck, surpassing the previous record of 16.3 metric tons. For the world-record attempt, an 18-ton truck was lifted by crane to a height of 3 feet using only 3 grams of adhesive. The entire weight hung for 1 hour on an aluminum cylinder the size of a standard soft drink can. The new record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.


A noted biologist, who had been studying little green frogs in a swamp, was stumped. The frog population, despite efforts at predator control, was declining at an alarming rate. A chemist at a nearby college came up with a solution: The frogs, due to a chemical change in the swamp water, simply couldn’t stay coupled long enough to reproduce successfully. The chemist then brewed up a new adhesive to assist the frogs’ togetherness, which included one-part sodium. It seems the little green frogs needed some monosodium glue to mate.

A blonde is sick of being labeled a “dumb blonde” so goes to the hairdressers to buy a brunette wig. “How much are they?” she asks. “$55 plus the tax”” replies the hairdresser. “Forget the tacks,” she replies, “I’ll use glue..”

What is sweet and sticky and crosses the desert?
A caramel

Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?