Grand theft roller coaster
Grand theft roller coaster
The Union County Fairgrounds in Marysville, Ohio, were robbed. In a generation shattering theft someone stole their roller coaster. “The roller coaster was on a purple and green trailer and has alligator-designed train cars, about 20 ft. total length,” the police release said. The getaway vehicle was a Dodge pickup. The Go-Gator was last seen by a traffic camera spotted at a Marysville intersection Aug. 27. A comment on the sheriff office’s Facebook page said: “This is my father’s ride. It’s been in our family for around 35 years and has great sentimental value.” Such are the ups and downs of the carnival business.
Ukraine has announced plans to open Chernobyl as a theme park.
They say, “Its just like Disneyland.” Except the 6-foot mouse is real.
How is being at the singles bar different from going to the circus? At the circus the clowns don’t talk.
The human cannonball missed the net killing the bearded lady in the process.
It was a freak accident.
When I was young, I grew up in a theme park..
The theme of the park was trailer.