August 22 Humor

* The Mona Lisa is deteriorating. It’s warped and buckling. Don’t worry, they’re going to have a crew repair it. It’s the same team that worked on Cher.

@ While talking on the phone to my son, JJ, who was in his dorm room, I could hear classical music in the background. JJ has eclectic musical taste, which ranges from swing to heavy metal. Still I commented, “I’m happy that you and your roommates are listening to such good music”. “Don’t get too excited, mom”, he replied. “It’s only a Bugs Bunny cartoon.”

A modern artist finally got his painting into a prestigious gallery and was bragging to his friend about the great acceptance this portended for him. When they went to the gallery the friend was shocked to see that his masterpiece was hung upside down. He rushed to grab the artist and tell him of the error, but the artist explained, “don’t say anything , The committee would not accept it the other way.”