August 23 Humor

* A modern mother took her young son shopping with her. As she went through the aisle the boy picked out some nice packages he liked and brought them to the cart. The young mother was heard telling her son, “Oh no, Honey we don’t want that one, you have to cook it.”

* When my sister Jenny cooks, she often substitutes ingredients for those in the recipe. I gave her the recipe for chicken and walnut dish that her husband, my brother, likes and she served it one night when I was over. In place of walnuts used raw peanuts for the chicken she substituted beef, in fact every major ingredient had been replaced, “This is terrible”. My brother said after his first bite. “Well, don’t blame me”, Ginny retorted. “It’s your sister’s recipe.”

The FCC came along and said no more cigarette commercials on television but think about it,  I would much rather have a pretty girl offer me a cigarette than and old lady asked me if I’m constipated.