December 9 Humor

# I grew up in a non musical family, only one of ours five siblings can carry a tune. So, I restricted my singing to private places like the bathtub or the car. But one night, I softly sang a lullaby to my nine month old baby. After the first verse, he sweetly looked into my eyes, removed the pacifier from his mouth and placed it in mine.

*The society matron was distraught and sought consolation from her maid. “Marie, I believe my husband is having an affair with his secretary.” “Damn, I don’t believe it,” said the maid. “You’re just saying that to make me jealous.”

* While on trip we stopped at the diner in a little town named Searchlight, Nevada. It was way off the beaten path and away from the bright lights of Reno and Las Vegas. When the waitress came over for our order, I asked her where I could find a newspaper. She replied, “Honey, just sit over there at the counter and you will hear everything you need to know.”