December 4 Humor
* The fighter was in his corner on the stool as the trainer worked over the cuts around his eyes and washed his bloody face. The trainer said, “I think he has you whipped Johnny.” The boxer said, “Yeah, I know. I should have gotten him right away in the first round, when he was by himself.”
* Boxing coach: “You did a terrible job out there. If I were as big as you, I would be the heavyweight champion of the world”. Boxer, “Why didn’t you become the lightweight champion?”
@ Edison spent years trying to invent an electrical light bulb. After thousands of failed attempts he ran into the house from his laboratory and up the stars shouting, carrying his invention. He ran into the bedroom of his sleeping wife and exclaimed, “I’ve done it, I’ve Done it.” She rolled over, looked at him and said, “Will you please turn that light off and come to bed.”