Humor for June 1st

* A relative had our family tree traced back to its mid-evil roots in England. On a trip to Britain, my wife and I visited the Goodrich Castle, which bears our name. Near the castle’s entrance was a little shed were a woman was taking tickets. I jokingly told her that my name was Goodrich and that I had come from the United States to claim the castle. “Oh, good,” she explained, “We have been waiting for you to pay the last nine hundred years in back taxes.”

@ A family friend was Sharing his concerns about his daughter’s engagement. Although he likes the young man, our friend feared that the couple was not planning realistically for the future. The boy is majoring in music, he told us, with a minor in geology. “Where is a person with those degrees supposed to find a good job?” My father suggested, “A rock band.”

# The Beatles sang “All you need is love” and then they broke up.