July 31 Humor

* Watching a particularly romantic ending to a Disney animated video, my five-year-old sighed. “I hope I meet my prince someday”, she said wistfully  . “Of course you will,” I reassured her. “You know, I met my prince the day I met your daddy.” Puzzled she turned to me and said,  “Who was  he?”

@ Traveling on a state highway, my husband and I saw toll booth and entrance being ripped up, concrete roadway and all. We asked an attendant is some new convenience was being installed for the travelers. “No way, you know this outfit”, she replied. “They lost a quarter.”

@ My brother Dan had returned home from Marquette University in Milwaukee with his dirty laundry one time too many. My mother caught him trying to sneak his clothes in the back door. “Let me guess,” she said. “All the machines in your dorm broke down again?” “Worse than that”, he replied. “Milwaukee ran out of quarters.”