June 12th Humor

A certain nobleman had a chauffeur who was violently opposed to the capitalistic system and who devoted most of his spare time attending meetings listening to the communist theories. The employer was tolerant because the Chauffeur was diligent in the performance of his duties. Suddenly it turned out the chauffeur stopped going to meetings and after several weeks the boss became curious enough to ask the reason. “At the last meeting I attended” said the good worker “it was proved that if all the wealth in the country were divided equally among all people to share  each person would get 120,000 francs”  “So what.” asked the employer. “Well, I already have 200,000 francs in my account.”

*The airline captain stood by the door as the passengers exited after suffering though a pretty bumpy landing. The man next to me was a college professor and as he went by the pilot and commented, “In my profession, I would give that landing a grade of C.” The pilot responded, “Professor in my line of work landings are not a graded course, they are pass/fail.”

@ A plumber was hired to fix a leak. He came in with his canvas tool bag and when he opened it, money started flowing out all over the floor. 20’s, 50’s even $100 bills were falling on the floor. The embarrassed plumber stuffed the money back into the bag and started to go back out to the truck, “Can you believe this?” He says disgusted, “I brought in the wrong bag.”