June 23 Humor

 * My new secretary presented a letter for me to sign near the end of the day. Unfortunately, I found a mistake in it. I signed it and gave back to her anyway to be mailed, but she did not want to have it go out that way and reran the letter. When I came back to the office, there was the letter with a post it note on it marked “Please Resign.”

 @ A man was walking past a woman who was known to have a poison tongue. As he approached she let loose a volley of profanity. When she took a breath he nodded and said, “Thank you I am well and how are you today?” She loosed the torrent of abuse again and he looked to the sky and said, “You may be right it could rain later today.” Exasperated, the woman said, “The idiot is deaf, there is no point swearing at the man anyway because he does not get it.” The man just walked on his way.

 @ My ex-wife was deaf. She left me for a deaf boyfriend. To be honest, I should have seen the signs.