June 7th Humor

A coed at college was carrying on her romance with her boyfriend by email, since he was at a different college a couple of states away. She got into class early but the only computer that was available for her to read her email was the teacher’s seat. So she quickly went at it and after she read a particularly torrid letter from her boyfriend, she began to type a response when she heard a lot snickering around her. One of the other girls said, “Look behind you.” When she did she saw that her boyfriend’s letter was being projected on the 8 foot wide screen.

@ The politician was pretty pumped since he felt he had delivered a wonderful stump speech that was educational and motivational. He looked out over the audience and asked, “Are there any questions?” One man in the rear raised his hand and asked, “Who else is running?”

* The judge had gotten involved with the testimony dealing with a cantankerous Kentucky Colonel. Unable to get straight answers from the man the judge said: “They call you a Colonel, what regiment were you in?” The man drawled, “Wall, you see the Colonel in front of my name is like the honorable in front of your name, it don’t mean nothin’.”