June 9th Humor
* On his first set of maneuvers a new captain was out to impress everyone. He stood on the bridge and ordered the ship full speed ahead zigzagging in and out of the other ships in the formation. A sailor came to the bridge announcing to the operating crew there was message from the admiral. The pompous new captain said, “Read it aloud, sailor”. He sailor read, “You idiot, what are you doing, you almost rammed the flagship.” The captain gulped and said, “Thank you sailor, take the message below and have decoded.”
Tomorrow, President Obama will deliver another important speech. Aides say he won’t mention the war on drugs because he’s still not sure which side he’s on.
Here’s some more news out of Washington. The White House has fired one of its national security officials for setting up an anonymous twitter account that was leaking internal information. President Obama called the invasion of privacy “unacceptable,” while Americans called it “karma.”