Lucky German in the Jungle

Matusadona is one of the most remote and unspoiled wilderness areas in Africa, and it’s home to a wide variety of wildlife, including lions, leopards and hippos. The park is situated on the shores of Lake Kariba, on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia and it is the largest man-made lake in the world by volume, covering 2,150 square miles. The park gets its name from the undulating Matusadona hills that form part of its water-rich landscape. You can take a boat tour, rent a car to tour the roads that wind through the park, go fishing, or simply soak up the beautiful scenery. The park has various accommodation options, including wilderness campsites and opportunities for walking, canoe and boat safaris. The best time to go for game viewing is undoubtedly in the dry season from July to October. The wetter summer season can get very humid with an abundance of mosquitoes. Game viewing roads are also closed during the rainy season.

Andreas Hoberg, a German tourist, got lost in Matusadona National Park on Saturday in the safari park teeming with predators. Andreas had rented a car to drive around the park roads on his own. Andreas last known destination was a park shop, where he stopped to buy a drink before going on a game drive to see the animals in the afternoon. The jungle can be a fun place to visit and enjoy an adventure. But if you get lost in the jungle, fun can turn into scary very quickly. By Saturday evening, the car rental company he had used for the safari was unable to trace his whereabouts using the GPS tracking system. The phone signal is extremely poor in the park, which also made it challenging to contact Hoberg, according to the local media. Matusadona National Park contains four of the “big five” animals people seek to spot on a safari. It has “all the dangerous animals you can expect in the bush.” He failed to return by 6 p.m., when all game drives should end, the rental agency tried to call him and even pinged their car’s GPS tracker with no success.

A search operation to find the German tourist saw a rescue team and other tourists scouring the park on Monday, Farawo said in the X post. He deployed a helicopter, vehicles and sniffer dogs to scour the remote 540-square-mile park. “We were gravely worried,” per the Independent. The park is also also risky because of the presence of poachers, sometimes extremely violent. Andreas has been found alive and in “good health” along with his rental car three days later, the national parks agency said Tuesday. Tinashe Farawo with the Zimbabwe Parks reported, “We are happy he is well. He says his car developed a mechanical fault. It’s a white car, so we were hopeful we could spot it from the air.” There was no word on how he survived with no food or water, but he did.

Jungle Jocularity

A mother asked her son to lose their cat somewhere in the jungle.
The boy obeyed. The boy returned home and reported to his mom.
Son: Mom! I led the cat far into the jungle. I even got lost!!
Mother: How were you able to come back home?
Son: I followed the cat.

I went to the African exhibit at my local zoo.
I knew it was fake when I saw all of the people walking around with food.

I was walking in the jungle and saw a lizard on his hind legs telling jokes.
I turn to the local tribesman and said, “That lizard is really funny.”
The tribesman replied “That’s not our lizard…
He’s a stand up chameleon…”

I’ve decided to make an all-natural shampoo made from roots found in Africa.
I’ll call it Ethnic Cleansing.

October 30th Birthdays

1982 – Ivanka Trump, 1989 – Jonel Parish, 1971 – Nia Long, 1989 – Nastia Liukin

1946 – Henry Winkler, 1735 – John Adams, 1994 – Marcus Mariota, 1992 – Jorge Lopez

Morning Motivator:

Your life is yours to create. Don’t let others do it for you.

Next time, take a map and some flares