Make It Sew!

Make It Sew!

Rosa Ferrigno’s new suit takes recycling to an extreme — she knitted it from more than 300 plastic grocery bags. The 75-year-old woman whiled away the winter knitting a skirt and jacket from filmy brown bags scissored into thin strips that were tied together to make yarn. She lined it with cotton fabric. The finished garment is quite chic, with a tweedy look from green printing on the brown bags. Ferrigno has been knitting and sewing since her childhood in Sicily, she says she does it just for fun.

Wife: “You know I mended the hole in your pants pocket last night after you went to bed. Wasn’t I a thoughtful little wife?”

Husband : “Well yes I guess that was nice of you, but how did you discover there was a hole in that pocket?”


Trying to get a word in edgewise with her was like trying thread the needle on a sewing machine while it is running.


Q: Did you hear about the new uniform making machine on the Enterprise?
A: Piccard told Riker to “Make it sew, Number One.”


How do you tell the difference between a seamstress and a plumber?
Ask them to pronounce the word “sewer”.