Throwing Parma Burritos

Allegedly, Rosemary Hayne was having a bad day. According to testimony she seemed to have a chip on her shoulder or a testy taco in her tummy. She went into a Parma, Ohio Chipotle and ordered a burrito bowl. Hayne was captured on cellphone video (below) verbally berating the clerk, Emily Russell, over the state of the meal before launching the meal itself at the clerk. After she violently throws the food, Hayne starts to storm out of the store. Another woman appears to confront her, demanding Hayne explain why she did what she did. Rosemary had been at the store before and the team was prepared for a confrontation. The judge said, “Those cameras were on because you made such a scene and you wanted to be such a bully, and this was the second occasion. You walked in there and made it absolutely clear to everybody in the place that she was going to be a bully and put out a show. That’s why those cameras were rolling.” You can see the food fly in the video below.

During the trial Hayne told the court she was sorry for her actions. However, she then went on to say that she was not happy with the way her food was prepared. “If I showed you how my food looked and how my food looked a week later from that same restaurant, it’s disgusting looking.” “I’ll bet you’re not going to be happy with the food you’re about to get in jail,” the judge shot back. The victim didn’t believe she was sincere and refused to make eye contact with her attacker. “She said she had a bad day, but that’s not the way you react when you have a bad day,” Russell said. “No one should have to go through any physical attack.”

Parma Municipal Court Judge Timothy P. Gilligan gave her 180 days in jail at a hearing last week. He suspended 90 of those days and presented Hayne with a unique opportunity: she could shave an additional 60 days from the sentence if she agreed to work in a fast-food restaurant for 20 hours a week for two months. “Do you want to walk in her shoes for two months and learn how people should treat people, or do you want to jail time?” “I’d like to walk in her shoes,” Hayne replied, after a pause. Gilligan acknowledged that the sentence is “unique.” “I thought, why not take this opportunity to have her learn how people should be treated, how you should react, and the appropriate response to that type of situation,” the judge said. “And that can be best learned by placing her in the shoes of the other victim.” Gilligan also said that the sentence would save local taxpayers some money. “I thought, why should the city taxpayers pay for her and feed her for 90 days in jail if I can teach her a sense of empathy?” But the sentence comes as violence against fast-food and retail workers is on the rise, with one survey finding that 6 in 10 retail employees had witnessed a violent incident at their workplace in the last year.

Boffo Burritos  

I’ll never understand why people say Taco Bell isn’t “real” Mexican food.
It gets the job done for half the price. That’s about as Mexican as it gets.

What is the difference between St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo?
Nobody pretends to be Mexican.

My Mexican friend wrote a song about a fajita. Well actually, it’s more of a wrap.

I saw a billboard the other day that said: “Need help? Call Jesus 1-440-555-3787.” Out of curiosity, I called and left a message. The next day a Mexican showed up with a lawnmower. 

December 8th Birthdays

1953 – Kim Bassinger, 1964 – Terri Hatcher, 1966 – Sinead O’Connor, 1961 – Anne Coulter

1986 – Dwight Howard, 1985 – Sam Hunt, 1925 – Sammy Davis, Jr, 1982 – Phillip Rivers

Morning Motivator: