Great Kentucky hoard

In early June this year a Kentucky farmer was plowing his field and turned up something shiny. Fortunately, he got down, off the tractor and inspected the shiny thing that his plow had turned over. It looked like a big coin. He brushed the dirt off and it looked like a gold coin. So he started digging around the furrow that he had turned over and found more coins. Most of them seemed to be gold, but some smaller silver ones. He came back to that spot with a shovel and a bucket and eventually sorted out 800 Civil War era gold coins buried in his corn field. While Kentucky was neutral during the war between the states… It wasn’t unusual for people to bury their money during times of war to keep it safe. Near the desperate end of the Civil war many raiding parties from the Confederacy crossed into Kentucky to forage and keep supplied with anything they could carry. It is thought some rich person hid this money in the field in case his farmhouse was raided. If there were any local records they have been lost over the last 150 years.  

Finding gold in the ground is “the most insane thing ever.” In a video posted by GovMint Coins, you see a man digging up the coins that are caked in dirt, noting how unreal the find was. The coins were sent to Numismatic Guaranty Co. for certification and grading. After the dirt was removed, coin experts found that most of the collection was in pristine condition, receiving an “extremely fine to mint state” designation. The coins were likely circulated very little before being buried, while some of the other coins could have been picked up at a bank and never used. “The condition that they were found in is just unheard of. A few of the coins actually graded the finest known. So they have the highest grade that we have seen of that coin to date,” Numismatic Guaranty said. “The condition that they were found in is just unheard of.” The historic collection was valued at over $2 million. In the meantime, the coin house rep said,  “It’s time to break out the metal detector. “I actually live in a house that was built in the late 1800s, so I need to check the front yard and see if any old silver coins might be in there,” he said.

Golden giggles

An investment banker approaches the pearly gates sweating and struggling with a very heavy suitcase. St. Peter greets him and says “Set down the suitcase and, come on in.” “No way,” barks the banker, “I have to bring it in with me.” “What could possibly be in the suitcase that is so important you brought it into eternity with you?” asked Peter. The banker opens the suitcase to reveal 50 gold bricks. Saint Peter’s jaw drops open and he asks, “You brought pavement?” 

After years of digging, a gold prospector finally found a small amount of a precious metal.
It was a miner success.

Since the end of “Stop and Frisk” in New York City, every rainbow has an empty pot of gold at the end of it with a chalk outline of a dead leprechaun.   

My friend Ty came first in the Beijing marathon, but he wasn’t awarded the gold medal.
The Chinese refuse to acknowledge Ty won.

July 19th Birthdays

1985 – Adria Libman, 1977 – Nancy Carell, 1979 – Ginnifer King, 1980 – Kristen Bell

1954 – Howard Schultz,  1984 – Thei Byers,  1977- Benedict Cumberbatch,  1970 – Chris Kraft

Morning Motivator:

The only thing allowing Evil to triumph is for Good people to do nothing.

Pay Attention Farmers