Check your Car

Todd and Kim Robertson own the Moose Watch Café in downtown Steamboat Springs, CO.  They sell food and drink, but what makes them different and very popular on the mountain is their donuts. They make lots of donuts, so many donuts they pretty much have one car that runs around town most days delivering their donuts to business and homes. And those donuts smell …Great! One night last week Kim rolled up a bunch of aprons from the bakery and threw them in the back seat of the car to get washed. She parked in their home driveway, but forgot to bring the aprons in to the laundry.

When they came out Wednesday morning, they saw the back of their little delivery car ripped apart. There was not much question how this happened because they could see the claw marks scored in the plastic parts. While the bear did not get any donuts that night. It sure did create a stir in Steamboat. The Robertsons took the assault in stride though and the next day had a special at the bar… on Bear Claw pastries. The responding officer John McCartin confirmed he could smell doughnuts just by standing outside the damaged vehicle. Kim Robertson joked that with bears now going after doughnuts in town, it would reduce the “doughnut jokes” from the local police “They’ve been so great about this,” Robertson said of the officers. Bear activity has been picking up steadily in Steamboat this spring.

Sir, Do you know why I stopped you?

A police officer patrolling I-240 pulled the car over about 10:30 at night. Carl Webb told the officer he and his wife had left the “Memphis in May” barbeque festival before the officer pulled them over Thursday evening. Suspecting there may have been some alcohol consumption at the party the officer stopped the car at the side of the freeway. Inquiring how Carl got to that point. Officer Benjamin Huff estimated that the car had been driven more than 10 miles since they left the party. Then came the eternal police question: “Do you know why I pulled you over Mr. Webb?  The officer said, “Mister, I’m not messing with you. There is a body on your trunk.” The Webb’s thought it was a joke _ until they got out to look. “So I got out, we walked around and sure enough there he was, still hanging on, still unconscious, just laying there on my trunk lid.”

The officer asked Carl if he knew the person on his trunk, a question that didn’t make sense to Webb at first. Carl says there’s a slight spoiler lip on the back of the trunk lid that likely saved the man’s life. Webb said they parked in a lot. “We had backed into our parking spot and we approached the car from the front,” Webb said. Memphis police say they had been traveling about 65 mph down an expressway when he pulled the car over. After alerting the couple, the officer woke the man, who was disoriented and did not remember leaving the festival. When the police got him to his feet, “He took a step and a half like he was going to walk on to the freeway and the police grabbed him and pulled him back.”  Webb has high praise for the officer who he said handled the situation extremely well. The officer put the man in his patrol car and left with him. It’s unknown if he will face any charges.

Car care quips

I’m waiting for rain to come so that I can wash my car.
On the other hand the rain is waiting for me to wash my car.

A father says to his blonde, teenage daughter one day, “Honey I thought I asked you to wash the car like 10 times today.”
She replies, “I swear I was going to, but I called a hundred different places and nobody has this Elbow Grease that you told me to use!”

It is strange how an earthquake 4,000 miles away seems less of a catastrophe than the first scratch on your new car. 

I was pulled over for speeding today. The officer said, “Don’t you know the speed limit is 55 miles an hour?” I replied, “Yes, but I wasn’t going to be out that long. 

July 24th Birthdays

1988 – Mara Wilson,  1969 – Jennifer Lopez, 1982 – Emily Rickards,  1898 – Rose Byrne

1994 – Lucas Adams, 1964 – Barry Bonds, 1978 – Danny Dreyer, 1783 – Simon Bolivar

Morning Motivator:

You create your opportunities by asking for them.

Automotive entertainment