Artificial Food Holiday
Artificial Food Holiday
If you like Turkey, Stuffing or Pumpkin pie you don’t have to wait for the Thanksgiving Dinner to get it. Pringles is offering all three flavors in their tubes of potato crisps. This year instead of hoarding the exotic flavors for just the media, they have focus group tested the flavors and are selling them in limited quantities to the general public. Last year’s flavors were Cranberry sauce and Green bean casserole. This will be a great time saver for mom’s. Just whip up a salad and spread the Pringles for a modern Thanksgiving feast…and no pans or dishes to wash.
Searching through a freezer full of turkeys for Thanksgiving the lady could not find one large enough. She called over to the clerk and pointing to the turkeys asked “Do they get any bigger?” He looked at her and replied, “No lady, They are dead.”
Last year we had an early American Thanksgiving dinner early American meaning instead of frozen food everything came out of cans.
Young Michael was sitting in his grandmother’s kitchen, watching her prepare the Thanksgiving meal. ‘What are you doing?’ Michael enquired. ‘Oh, I’m just stuffing the turkey,’ his grandmother replied. ‘Wow, that’s cool.’ Michael remarked. ‘Are you going to hang it next to the deer?’
The Pilgrims had amazing foresight to invent Thanksgiving and football on the same day.