December 26 Humor

* A man loved to have a big cup of coffee on his way to work in the morning so he went out of his way to buy packages of the extra large Styrofoam cups for his daily commute. One morning he could not find any of them and asked his wife what had become of them. She explained she had heard that decomposing Styrofoam in landfills was going to ruin the ozone layer and she felt she had to do something to stop it. So she threw the cups in the garbage.

* At the restaurant on the corner I looked at the menu and asked, “What  is this blended coffee?” The waitress said, “Yesterday’s and today’s”.

@ Wally & Sven go on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish. Sven says, “The way I figure it,  each one of fish cost us $400”  Wally says, “Well, at that price it’s a good thing we didn’t catch any more than we did.”