January 28 Humor

@ I called the temp agency looking for work, and they ask if I had any phone skills.  I responded, ” I called you didn’t I?”

* My wife, Diane, was chatting with her brother, Charles, a business executive who had retired last year. While discussing the joys of his new leisure time, Charles remarked that he had been compelled to give up skiing, a sport he enjoyed for many years.   “Afraid of injuries?” Diane asked.    “Well, now I am”, he responded. “Before, I could drag a cast into work and still do my job, but now I’d be messing up my golf game.”

* As an avid skier, Eric listened every winter day to the ski report. He sprang to the phone when the announcer offered a free whole days lift tickets to the 7th caller. As soon as he dialed the number he was greeter with the magic words, “You are the winner.”    He was so excited he jumped up and swung around, dropped the phone and lost the call.