My basset hound’s facelift

Bassett hounds are the “sad sacks” of the animal kingdom and many TV shows. Their wrinkles and droopy looks just radiate boredom. Tracey McDermott did not want her pup, “Chief” to look like he left the reservation 50 years ago, so she spent the money for plastic surgery for him. 3-year-old Chief always struggled to see due to his drooping eyelids, so Tracey, OK’d a five-hour procedure earlier this year to give him a new leash on life. As he grew and became bigger, so did the problem with his sight, so we were increasingly concerned about him,” McDermott said.

“We would call his name, and he’d lift his head up to try and see where we were, but you could see he was struggling,” McDermott added. To combat Chief’s eye issues, McDermott initially used eye drops — but soon realized he needed something more extreme. The pampered pup was taken to a Dublin veterinary hospital, where surgeon Mike Woods removed a large section of skin from across Chief’s neck and adjusted the position of his eyelids and eyebrows. Tracey had long believed a facelift would help Chief’s quality of life, but Vet Woods wanted to wait until the dog was fully mature to perform surgery on him.

The pup is now feeling better than ever after the procedure. The vet describes the surgery as “long” and “challenging,” but Chief is happier than ever because he can see clearly once again. He is back home with his very relieved owner. This basset hound is looking paws-itively beautiful after undergoing a facelift to remove over 2 pounds of sagging skin. “Chief’s sight has significantly improved thanks to Mike, and it’s had a really positive impact on his quality of life,” Tracey said. “He was always a happy dog who got on with life in his own way despite the problems he had, now it is great to see him so well — and, of course, for him to see us.” Chief isn’t the only pooch to undergo plastic surgery.

Beatrice, an English bulldog, needed a nose job to help her breathe. To help alleviate those problems, doctors give dogs a “nose job” by cutting a small wedge out of the black part of their nose and pulling the nasal openings wider. Veterinary Surgeon Benson points out that French bulldogs may be popular, but they aren’t meant to withstand hot, Southern temperatures. It doesn’t help that they’re natural “couch potatoes,” making them prone to obesity problems as well as breathing difficulties, made worse by their short noses. “You tell people, they have no idea, because they haven’t done the time to do research on the breed,” he explained. If you’re hoping to avoid high veterinary bills, he suggests looking no further than your good old mixed-breed. “My ideal breed has always been a mutt,” he said. “A medium sized dog with no weight problems or size problems.” BTW: the total market for pet surgery in the US is $16 billion.

Plastic surgery stitches

I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I’d look like without plastic surgery.

Which member of the Kardashian family has had the least plastic surgery?
Caitlyn Jenner.

The sign on a plastic surgery clinic reads…
“If life gives you lemons, a simple operation can turn them into melons.”

How does a woman show she’s planning for the future? Plastic Surgery.

September 14th Birthdays

1978 – Danielle Peck, 1988 – Kirsten Haglund, 1971 – Kimberly Williams, 2000 – Emma Kenney

1978 – Ron DeSantis, 1991 – Shayne Topp, 1989 – Jesse James, 1996 – Deshaun Watson

Morning Motivator:

The only thing that stops us from getting what we want
is the story we have about why we can’t have it.

Doggie Desirability