October 11 Humor

@ In New York City, every rainbow as an empty pot of gold at the end of it with a chalk outline of a dead leprechaun.

# Our daughter was at an Army retreat in the back woods of Georgia for a leadership training exercise. She had to spend 6 weeks living in the woods in primitive conditions. She called home one weekend and explained she had met one of the men and she was interested in him. She explained, “but because we are not allowed to wear makeup,  he really has no idea what I look like.”

*  The hospital where my dad worked was having their annual charity ball. My mother went looking for a dress and tried on several without satisfaction. She declared she had nothing to wear. Dad said, “Just wear the same dress as last year, who is going to remember.” Mom relented and wore the dress. As they went into the hotel ballroom they came upon a life sized photo of them arm in arm from last year’s dance wearing the same dress.