September 3 Humor

A man came into the bank to get a loan. He went up to the teller and asked,” Who arranges for loans?”   “I’m sorry sir,” the teller told him,  “that the loan arranger is out to lunch.” “Alright,” said the man. “May I speak to Tonto?”   

A woman in our town called the police department and complained, “People are speeding on our street. Endangering the lives of children walking to school.” The next morning she herself was stopped for speeding. “But, officer,” she said, “I’m the person called yesterday to tell the police about the speeders.” “Well then, ma’am,” he replied handing her a ticket, “you should be really happy we caught one.” 

The bank’s assistant manger was congratulating the lady who had just opened a new account with the bank. “Be assured madam that with our company you are never just a number. You are two digits, a hyphen, three letters and then your password.”