September 5 Humor

@ “Have you ever loved before?”  he asked. “No, no John, I have admired men for their good looks, courage, wealth or intelligence, but with you it is just love, nothing else.”

* “Dad, I just siphoned a couple of gallons of gas out of your car for tonight. That is OK isn’t it?”     “Sure it is OK son, I bought that gas with your allowance for next week so run along and have a good time.”

* My brother worked for the library and one of his jobs was keeping the bookmobiles cleaned up and running. The two trucks were identical down to the broken mirrors on the passenger side. One day he took the first van to the gas station and told the attendant to “fill it up.” A little later he came back with the second truck and again asked for a fill up. The attendant looked a little sideways at him and queried, “Doesn’t get very good mileage does it? “