Too good to be true

For the sake of this story let’s say there was a girl named Jane who had grown up and had a reasonable life and job and then she met John. (They are anonymous, the picture is for illustration purposes only.) They hit it off and she really felt he understood her feelings and concerns even being a guy. They became an item and the more time they spent together the more natural it felt. They had been going out together for so long people said they looked alike. Jane just took that as a compliment of her judgment of John’s character. Their relationship got to the point that they decide to move in together and did. Even living together went so well they decided to buy a house together.

It seemed life was on cruise control. After some months living together Jane was curious to find out more about John and his family as she was adopted and did not know her birth mother so they both spit in a bottle and sent their samples to Ancestry to find out their biological heritages. Life’s full of surprises – you never know what will hit you next. Jane opened the Ancestry results package and screamed, “I just found out that I’ve been dating my biological brother for 6 years.” – Jane was freaked and did not know what to do now.  She is 30 years old and her “brother” is 32. She was adopted as a baby – yet, she wasn’t aware of this until she was already in high school. John was also adopted and when they met it was one of the things they bonded over. They developed a great bond in no time, and she now realizes that it’s probably because John is her full sibling.

The one thing that they emphasize in their agreement was to remain childfree; she said she doesn’t want to deal with possible health complications. Jane said that she’s still pretty much in love with her boyfriend; after all, they’ve been together for more than 5 years. They have a beautiful house together and have managed to build a very comfortable life. She sincerely hoped that the test was incorrect and planned to get another one soon. Their mutual decisions are being worked out now, but it certainly has been an exciting way of romance.

Family follies

When a woman discovered that she was pregnant, her four-year-old son overheard his parents’ conversation. He didn’t say anything until a week later when a family friend asked him if he was excited about the prospect of a new brother or sister.
“Yes,” said the boy, “and I know what we’re going to name it. If it’s a girl, we’re going to call her Emily, and if it’s another boy we’re going to call it Quits.”

If killing your dad is Patricide, and your mom is Matricide, what is it if you kill your little brother?

My parents just said they want another child.
“I’d love a sibling!” I said.
“That’s not what we meant.” they replied.

My brother became severely depressed when he found out he was adopted.
I can’t relate.

August 21st Birthdays

1975 – Alicia Witt, 1950 – Loretta Devine, 1990 – Hayden Panettiere, 1941 – Jackie DeShannon

1981 – Jonathan Brotherton, 1938 – Kenny Rogers, 1936 – Wilt Chamberlain, 1987 – Usain Boldt

Morning Motivator:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

My brother from another mother: