No Egg Roll for you
No Egg Roll for you
Why would a 29 year old man take off his jacket, take off the rain cover of a vent coming out of a Chinese restaurant and try to slide in? Whatever the reason, he slid down the chute and found that it did not lead directly into the restaurant. In fact, he was stuck in a metal lined hole taller than him that was coated with grease. He was trapped in the vent for 2 days occasionally yelling for help from inside the exhaust vent at the top of the building’s roof. Neighbors called police and fire who tore the duct work out to free him.
Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan are in a Chinese restaurant and Luke’s having trouble with the chopsticks. Finally, Obi-Wan says, “Use the forks, Luke.”
Q: What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor?
A: Make me one with everything.
Q: Heard about the new German-Chinese restaurant?
A: The food is great, but an hour later, you’re hungry for power.
Q: What do you call a Chinese Billionaire?
A: Cha Ching!